Scopri tutte le novità di luglio 2023: Buono spesa, Naspi e Assegno Unico, controlla subito il tuo conto!


Annotate the date of payment for the Bonus or benefits of your interest among Naspi, Assegno Unico, and Buono spesa on your calendar.

In July, INPS will pay old and new measures to Italian families. Let’s find out when. The government’s financial aid to citizens is numerous, given the precarious conditions of many workers and families. Where the employment system, salaries, and pensions do not arrive, other measures come into play to ensure the survival of Italians.

With the necessary changes that we hope will eventually come, it could be possible to put an end to the need to provide bonuses and benefits. We should ensure better employment agreements, offer more jobs and training, and reduce the cost of living. Some steps are already being taken, but there is still a long way to go. Today, many families anxiously await the moment of additional INPS payment, such as that of Assegno Unico, NASPI, and soon the Carta Spesa.

The dates of INPS payments to mark on your calendar

Before going into detail with the listed measures, let’s remember that July will be the last month of payment for Reddito di Cittadinanza for many recipients. Indeed, the seven monthly installments provided for by the 2023 Budget Law will end. Only families with minors, people aged at least sixty years, and members with disabilities are exempt from the directive at the beginning of the year. The payment dates will be the usual ones, July 15th for new applications and renewals, and July 27th for all others.

Now, let’s talk about the news for July 2023, the Carta Risparmio Spesa dedicated to families with an ISEE of less than 15,000 euros and at least three members. From July 18th, beneficiaries will be informed of the possibility of going to a Post Office to collect the prepaid card with 382.50 euros to be spent on food. The first payment must be made by September 15th, or the card will be canceled.

The dates for disbursing Assegno Unico for dependent children are:
– From July 10th to July 20th for checks without changes compared to the previous months,
– From July 20th to July 31st for the remaining checks, new applications, and those with changes.
Please note that the amount in 2023 has changed due to the revaluation, and as a result of INPS checks, some families may find themselves with arrears or lower amounts than expected.

Let’s conclude with NASPI, the unemployment benefit. The payment date varies depending on when the recipient submitted the application for access to the measure. In general, disbursements start from the 15th of the month. The same applies to DIS – COLL (for workers with a coordinated and continuous collaboration relationship).

Data di pagamento luglio 2023: Buono spesa, Naspi e Assegno Unico, controlla sul conto

Nel mese di luglio, l’INPS pagherà varie misure di sostegno alle famiglie italiane, come il Reddito di Cittadinanza, l’Assegno Unico e la Carta Risparmio Spesa. Queste misure sono necessarie a garantire il sostentamento delle famiglie in difficoltà a causa delle precarie condizioni lavorative. Tuttavia, si spera che in futuro si possano fare cambiamenti adeguati per eliminare la necessità di erogare bonus e agevolazioni, migliorando le condizioni lavorative, creando più posti di lavoro, offrendo formazione e riducendo il costo della vita. Nel mese di luglio, saranno effettuati anche i pagamenti dell’Assegno Unico per i figli a carico, con date diverse a seconda delle variazioni e delle nuove domande. Infine, la data di pagamento della NASPI e della DIS – COLL varia in base alla data di presentazione della domanda.