[Download] Waze Beta versione per Android



Arriva la versione di Waze Beta che porta una serie di miglioramenti in attesa del rilascio della versione 4.0 per Android. Ecco come scaricarla.

We’re rolling out the first Beta version for the Android redesign: version 4.0!

Important note: Keep in mind that most of the features are still in development stage. Therefore, several flows and features are disabled or don’t work properly.

Please focus your effort on giving us feedback in the following NEW threads:

Map issues for – https://goo.gl/7B8igA

UI issues for –  https://goo.gl/cvfbbv

Also, please do not open any bugs yet via Centercode. Since there are many known issues at the moment, it’s easier for us to follow your feedback in the Forums section.

What’s New:

  • Fixed bug: when tapping back didn’t work

  • Calendar now supported

  • Fixed bug: floating ETA

  • New method for ‘Contacts’ logic

  • Fixed bug: when current location label covers the car icon

  • Fixed bug: when tapping on search results on some devices didn’t work

  • Fixed bug: when Pins were not clickable in Search results screen

  • Fixed flickering report on map

  • Improved Login time

  • Additional bugs and stability fixes

  • UI changes and improvements

Known issues:

  • Beta Badge add-on is missing

  • No Speedometer at the moment – will be added in the near future

  • No Contacts in autocomplete

  • Different start point doesn’t work

  • No map in “see yourself on the map”

  • ASR – not working, will be fixed in one of the next beta versions

  • When tapping to edit a profile pic Waze icon is one of the options

  • Adding a residential place – still in dev

  • Can’t tap on Wazers on the map

  • Share issues :

    • Share seems to be live after navigation is stopped

    • After closing and reopening the client, indication next to friend viewing the drive is still visible

    • Following a session when drive was shared, a new session may show inline notification “Friend viewing your drive”

    • A suggested friend can appear on the ETA screen even if you are sharing a drive with another friend

    • No route in share drive ma


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